Research | Publication
Les images criminelles sous le nazisme - Fabian Schmidt et Alexander Zöller
À paraître jeudi 16 mai 2024 aux éditions de l'afrhc
The Foundation supports research on anti-Semitic persecution, the Shoah and other genocides. It also supports research in other disciplines. The Foundation awards doctoral and postdoctoral grants and provides funding for research trips and conferences. It also contributes to the dissemination of knowledge via funding for publications and translations. Lastly, it participates in the conservation and exploitation of archives.
All projects submitted to the Foundation are evaluated independently, then examined by six thematic committees (History of Anti-Semitism and the Shoah, Memory and Transmission, Shoah Education, Jewish Culture, Solidarity, and Combating anti-Semitism and Support for Intercultural Dialogue) made up of volunteer experts.
Proposing a project (except for research and travel grants) : April 1st, 2025
Research and travel grants : April 1st, 2025 (closed for 2024)