Help for survivors | Educational project
De Bouche à Oreille, un programme de rencontres intergénérationnelles
Juin 2017 : restitution des travaux de l'année 2015-2016 à Montreuil
Solidarity toward Shoah survivors and those who suffered anti-Semitic persecution is one of the main priorities of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah. The Foundation finances specific programs established by social and medical institutions. These programs aim to meet the needs of Shoah survivors by offering specific services. The Foundation also works to reduce the isolation of survivors by supporting associations that offer them group activities and cultural events. Today, approximately 3,000 Shoah survivors may benefit from these specific services.
All projects submitted to the Foundation are evaluated independently, then examined by six thematic committees (History of Anti-Semitism and the Shoah, Memory and Transmission, Shoah Education, Jewish Culture, Solidarity, and Combating anti-Semitism and Support for Intercultural Dialogue) made up of volunteer experts.
January 7th, 2025 (for projects in France and in Israel)
March 24th, 2025 (for projects in France and in the Eastern European countries - with the JOINT)