Memory and Transmission Committee

Recalling the history of the Holocaust and its implications is at the heart of the missions of the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, which funds memorial initiatives (commemorations, plaques, markers, etc.) and all kinds of projects (books, films, plays, exhibitions, etc.) transmitting that history and shedding light on its sometimes little-known aspects.

Primarily intended for a French-speaking public, the projects aim to raise awareness and increase knowledge about the history of the Holocaust.

The Foundation also funds projects to rehabilitate memorial sites in France.

Deadline for submitting applications

Deadline for submitting applications

December 20th, 2024

Contenu Onglet


To transmit the memory of the Holocaust to the French-speaking general public
To review projects involving the memory of other genocides.

Types of projects funded

Audiovisual (documentary or feature films)
Publishing and translation (into French)
Memorial initiatives (commemorations, markers, plaques, symposia intended for the general public, etc.)
Building or preserving memorial sites (internment camps in France, etc.)
Any project contributing to the conservation and transmission of witness accounts about of the Holocaust and other genocides.

Application guidelines

The Foundation only funds projects within its areas of competence.
The application must involve a specific project. The Foundation does not grant any funding for an organization’s ordinary operating expenses.
All applicants must conduct a search for co-funding.
The Foundation only funds projects that are certain to be disseminated.
A project cannot be retroactively funded.
Projects must be designed for a French-speaking public or focus on the Holocaust in France.
A firm commitment from a French publisher is required for publishing projects. Novels are not eligible.
A commitment from a French production company and a French broadcaster is required for audiovisual projects.
A commitment from a performance venue in France is required for theater projects.

Assessment guidelines

The topic’s historical rigor
The project’s consistency with the Foundation’s priorities
The project organizer’s competence and involvement
The project’s groundbreaking character in both form and content
The project’s timeliness, planned dissemination and expected impact
The relevance of the project’s budget and justification of the amount requested from the Foundation

The project organizers

Any public or private for-profit or non-profit organization is eligible to apply. No project proposals from individuals will be accepted.

For publishing projects: publishing companies
For film and audiovisual projects: production companies
For theater projects: theater companies or theaters
For symposia, panel discussions, seminars, archives preservation, etc.: the organizing institution

Funding arrangements

If funding is granted, a partnership agreement will be signed.
The Foundation usually releases its funds in installments.
Payment of the balance is subject to a project assessment. The project organizer agrees to provide the Foundation with the required administrative and accounting documents and to let it monitor the use of the funds granted.
The project organizer agrees to mention the Foundation’s support on all its communication materials.

Applying for funding

Before applying, please read the complete procedure and contact us to make sure your project is eligible.

Applications must be received at least three months before the project starts.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Barring exceptions, the Foundation announces its decision three to six months after receiving the complete application.


Project manager
Mrs Galith Touati
Mrs Léna Talvy
Tel: +33 (0)1 53 42 63 20