Recherche | Colloque
Quantifying the Holocaust: Classifying, Counting, Modeling: What Contribution to Holocaust History?
The development and discussion of quantitative investigation and analysis techniques are impacting and revitalizing numerous fields within historical research. How does this affect studies on the Holocaust? This international colloquium, organized by Claire Zalc, a research director at CNRS, and supported by the European Research Council (ERC), offers an opportunity to reflect on the potentials and challenges associated with various forms of quantification in this specific domain.
The development and discussion of quantitative investigation and analysis techniques are profoundly impacting and rejuvenating numerous fields within historical research, including studies on the Holocaust. This international colloquium, organized by Claire Zalc, a research director at CNRS, and supported by the European Research Council (ERC), provides an opportunity to contemplate the potentials and challenges associated with various forms of quantification in this specific domain.
This international colloquium emerges within the framework of a new historiography that seeks, on the one hand, to explore quantitative methods in writing the history of the Holocaust in original dialogue with micro-history and critical reflection, on the production and use of numbers. On the other hand, it aims to create bridges between disciplinary fields (in this case, historians, sociologists, geographers, demographers, and applied mathematicians and statisticians). The intersection between hard sciences and social sciences, coupled with the utilization of new digital technologies, constitutes methodological approaches increasingly supported by academic and research institutions on international scale.
Claire Zalc's success in obtaining funding for this international colloquium through the ERC Consolidator Lubartworld project, situated at the intersection of micro-history and transnational history, reflects a keen focus on the importance of scales.
►The organizing comitee
- Claire Zalc, CNRS IHMC, EHESS, ERC Lubartworld
- Robert Braun, UC Berkeley
- Tal Bruttmann, Université de Cergy
- Eva Kovacs, Institut Wiesenthal de Vienne pour les études sur l’Holocauste
- Maël Le Noc, Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris
- Anton Perdoncin, CNRS, CENS Nantes, ERC Lubartworld

This colloquium has been supported by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.
Practical information
From Tuesday, May 14th, starting at 8:45 AM, until Thursday, May 16th, 2024, concluding at 4:30 PM.
►Tuesday, May 14th and thursday, May 16th 2024 : No registration required for entry
Centre Malher (Amphi Dupuis)
9, rue Malher
75004 Paris
►Wednesday, May 15th 2024 : Registration required for entry
Mémorial de la Shoah (Amphi Edmond J. Safra)
17, rue Geoffroy-l'Asnier
75004 Paris