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Projets soutenus

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Jérusalem - Repas quotidiens pour des survivants de la Shoah

Every day, Carmei Haïr, a humanitarian organization in Jerusalem, offers meals to low-income people, especially Holocaust survivors.

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme | Projet pédagogique

Histoire des religions et laïcité au collège

Throughout the year, 5th grade students worked on monotheistic and traditional African religions and the concept of secularism. The culmination of the project: an exhibition, developed little by little by the students on the basis of numerous school outings, meetings and collective works.

2015-2016 school year, Ivry-sur-Seine (94)

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme | Film

24 jours, la vérité sur l'affaire Ilan Halimi. Un film d'Alexandre Arcady

20 January 2006, after Shabbat dinner, Ilan decided, against the advice of his mother, to go out and celebrate. He comforts his mother by kissing her as he heads out. Ruth Halimi will never see her son again. Ilan has been kidnapped for ransom because Jewish and supposedly rich. His family and the police start a race against time to save him from the tortures of the "gang of barbarians".


Related resources

Mémoire | Film

Parce que j’étais peintre. L'art rescapé des camps nazis. Un film de Christophe Cognet

Ce film mène une enquête inédite sur les oeuvres réalisées clandestinement dans les camps nazis. Il dialogue avec les rares artistes déportés encore vivants et avec les conservateurs de leurs oeuvres : des émotions qu’elles suscitent, de leur marginalisation, leur signature ou leur anonymat, de leur style, ainsi que de la représentation de l’horreur et de l’extermination.

Available on DVD - 2014

Related resources

Recherche | Colloque

Conférence Simon Wiesenthal - Collaboration en Europe de l'Est pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la Shoah

This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars in the humanities and social sciences to forge new analytical perspectives on collaboration in Eastern Europe. Panels will address memory, trials, and the role of institutions such as the police, state administration, and press in the destruction of Jews and Roma in the Holocaust.

December 5-7, 2013 - Vienna, Austria

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Latet, aux côtés des survivants de la Shoah en Israël

Latet is an organization that helps disadvantaged Israelis. Since 2007, the Foundation has supported this group, which comes to the aid of needy Holocaust survivors in Israel.

Recherche | Colloque

Colloque international - Élie Wiesel : Mémoire, midrash et chant

Holocaust survivor and famous writer, Elie Wiesel has became a central figure in the memory of the Holocaust and human rights defense. This conference will focus on the foundations of its work. This colloquium is supported by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.

October 14-16, 2013 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mémoire | Film

Le Dernier des Injustes, de Claude Lanzmann

Claude Lanzmann filmed Benjamin Murmelstein, the last President of the Jewish Council in the Theresienstadt ghetto, the only “Elder of the Jews” not to have been killed during the war. A rabbi in Vienna in 1938, he fought bitterly with Adolf Eichmann, managing to help around 121,000 Jews leave the country, and preventing the liquidation of the ghetto.

Available on DVD and VOD - 2013

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | A l'étranger

Russie : aide aux survivants de la Shoah atteints de la maladie d'Alzheimer

Since 2012, the Hesed Avraham Health Care Center in Saint Petersburg, Russia has offered specific support for victims of Nazism with neurodegenerative conditions.

Aide aux survivants | Aides individuelles

Un fonds d’urgence pour les survivants de la Shoah en France

Since 2002, the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah has awarded over two million euros to the Emergency Fund for Holocaust Survivors. The fund comes to the occasional aid of needy survivors to help them meet exceptional expenses.