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Online ressources on Jewish culture

During this period of lockdown, we offer a list of online resources available to discover or deepen one's knowledge on the Jewish world and Judaism in all its dimensions.

Avril 2020

We offer a list of online resources available to discover or deepen one's knowledge of the Jewish world and Judaism in all its dimensions.



  • The éditions de l'Antilope, specialised in Jewish, Yiddish and Israeli literature, offer a selection of around forty titles in books to purchase in bookstores, to read online, or to download (e-pub), including several titles supported by the Foundation.

Dans les bagnes du tsar - H. Leivick

- Entre les murs du ghetto de Wilno 1941-1943 - Yitskhok Rudashevski

Attendez-moi métro République, de Hanan Ayalti 

Jean Baumgarten's extensive work, by analyzing Jewish sources alongside texts from other religious and philosophical traditions, demonstrates how Jewish discources on the body have been formed, developed, and transformed from the Bible to the 18th century. Available in e-pub format.

As heirs of a culture where the sacred and the profane intertwine, Jews were the first to embark on the adventure of the human sciences that marked the 19th century. This encounter between Judaism and modernity sheds new light on French political and intellectual history. Available in e-pub format.

Dedicated to the great writer Isaac Bashevis Singer, this issue of Cahier de l'Herne is directed by Florence Noiville in collaboration with Pascale de Langautier. It aims to break free from the usual stereotypes surrounding the work of this Nobel Prize-winning author by revealing an unknown side of Singer and demonstrating the many resonances of his work in the creation and thought of our time... Available in e-pub format.



Born in the United States, in Israel, in Belgium, in France, in Russia, in Poland or in Lithuania, seven young people share their stories woven with Yiddish. Through the works of polyglot avant-garde poets from the interwar period, they unveil the power and brilliance of this poetry, whose words not only belong to a Jewish past but also enable them to confront the present.

To watch online on the website until Friday, May 8, 2020

Robert Bober delves into the memories of his great-grandfather, who lived in a modern and cosmopolitan Vienna at the beginning of the 20th century, a city whose reputation was illuminated and shaped by writers such as Stefan Zweig, Joseph Roth, and Arthur Schnitzler.

You can listen to information about this movie on Mémoires Vives, the episode aired on October 15, 2017, with Robert Bober


Heir to the collections of the Jewish Art Museum on Rue des Saules, created in 1948 by Holocaust survivors, the mahJ has been  located since its opening in 1988 in the Hôtel de Saint-Aignan, which is one of the most beautiful private mansions in the Marais district. Its collections now include over 12,000 works and numerous archival materials, many of which are available online.

 "Le mahJ chez vous" (News on the homepage) allows you to discover Jewish culture through videos of meetings, document commentaries, tales, portraits, and more. Past video meetings organized by the museum are also available on its YouTube page.

  • The European Institute fof Jewish Music

    The European Institute for Jewish Music (IEMJ), established in 2006 by the Foundation of French Judaism, the Yuval Association, and the Henriette Halphen Foundation, serves as the primary center for documentation and resources on Jewish music in Europe. Under the direction of musicologist Hervé Roten, its mission is to preserve and disseminate the heritage of Jewish music. Most of its resources are accessible online, making them widely available for study and appreciation.


The website serves as a comprehensive multimedia resource center on Jewish themes, offering hundreds of courses and conferences across various fields: history, sociology, politics, religious studies, art, and culture. It constitutes a remarkable tool for knowledge accessible to all.

Several events supported by the Foundation concerning Jewish culture are available on the site in their entirety, such as the colloquium Les Juifs des protectorats du Maghreb et la France, de la fin du 18e siècle à nos jours  and the concert  À la découverte de trois compositeurs juifs oubliés. 


Located in Paris, the MCY uploaded a number of online resources, including catalogs of past exhibitions such as "Mendele Moykher-Sforim fondateur des littératures yiddish et hébraïque moderne". Additionally, there's a mini-site offering scheduled meetings, open for registration, focusing on Yiddish culture for all audiences (learning the alphabet, watching a performance...), all under the theme "Yiddish Culture at Home".

Created in 2013 by the philosopher Shmuel Trigano, the Université populaire du Judaïsme offers a series of introductions to the fundamental disciplines of Jewish studies.  Combining intellectual rigor with a commitment to democratization, these seminars are open to anyone wishing to discover or deepen their knowledge of Judaism. 

Some seminars are exclusively conducted online, available on the website of l'Université en ligne du Judaïsme.

Building on the work accomplished in the revue Tenou'a, Rabbi delphine Horvilleur and the Tenou'a association have established the Atelier Tenou'a. Each month, this study circle aims to bring together participants with diverse opinions, practices, and traditions. In a spirit of openness, the Atelier Tenou'a seeks to revive one of the oldest traditions of Judaism, mahloket, which involves debate, disagreement, and dialogue within a framework of respect.

The website E-Talmud serves as a resource center for discovering and learning basics of Judaism. Free of charge, it is deigned for teachers, families, children, and curious individuals of all ages. Thoughtfully crafted by experienced educators, it provides the general public with foundational knowledge about Jewish culture.

Ivrit bedaka is a series of 250 episodes dedicated to Hebrew. Each episode, approximately one minute long, explores a specific theme of the Hebrew language: a slang word, a french word of Hebrew origin, an idiomatic expression, the name of a major corporation, and more.


  • Émission Talmudiques sur France Culture : every sunday morning, Marc-Alain Ouaknin explores the multiple facets of jewish thought,  their resonance within Western culture, and their placement into perspective alongside other cultures.
  • A four-part series of La compagnie des auteurs sur Albert Cohen 
  • Les Juifs et la modernité: the episode aired on February 10, 2019, featuring Perrine Simon-Nahum, a research director at CNRS and professor at the École Normale Supérieure, on the occasion of the publication by Albin Michel of her book Les Juifs et la modernité, l’héritage du judaïsme et les Sciences de l’homme au XIXe siècle.


The podcast program  Mémoires Vives, created by the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, also offers numerous shows on various topics. Severall of them are dedicated to Jewish culture under all its aspects:

Art and Jewish artists

  • Jules Adler, peintre du peuple. The episode aired on December 1st, 2019, featuring Claire Decomps, curator of the exhibition "Jules Adler, Painter of the People" presented at the Museum of Jewish Art and History in 2019.
  • Helmar Lerski au MAHJ. The episode aired on May 6, 2017, featuring Nicolas Feuillie, curator of the exhibition "Helmar Lerski, Pioneer of Light," presented at the Museum of Jewish Art and History in 2017.
  • Arnold Schönberg. Peindre l’âme. An episode of Mémoires Vives with Fanny Schulmann, one of the currator of the exhibition of the Musée d’art et d’histoire du judaïsme.
  • Maryan: la ménagerie humaine. Our guest this week is Nathalie Hazan Brunet, curator of the exhibition about the painter Maryan, a survivor of the Holocaust, at the Musée d’art et d’histoire du judaïsme, in 2014.
  • Golem! Avatars d’une légende d’agile.  The episode aired on April 16, 2017, with Ada Ackerman, currator of the exhibition Golem, presented at the mahJ in 2017.
  • Moïse, l’exposition du Musée d’Art et d’histoire du judaïsme. An episode of Mémoires Vives with the art historian Sonia Fellous, one of the currator of the exhibition. She discusses the challenges of representing Moses and how Jews and Christians have contested this figure over the centuries.


Ecrivains et penseurs juifs 

  • Isaac Bashevis Singer. In 1978, the polish writer and naturalized American, Isaac Bashevis Singer, received the Nobel Prize in Literature for his 'Art of the Enthusiastic Storyteller', which rooted in Jewish-Polish culture and traditions, brings to life the universality of the human condition. With the writer Florence Noiville who coordinated the issue of Cahier de l'Herne dedicated to him.
  • Emeric Deutsch, la volonté de comprendre. An episode exceptionally hosted by Isabelle de Castelbajac, the Cultural Jewish Mission Officer at the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, who welcomes Grand Rabbi Haim Korsia to discuss the book 'Emeric Deutsch, la Volonté de comprendre,' published by Éditions des Rosiers.


  • Dans les bagnes du tsar. The episode aired on July 7, 2019, featuring Rachel Ertel, emeritus professor and translator, on the occasion of the publication of 'Dans les bagnes du tsar' by the great Yiddish poet H. Leivick (published by Éditions de l'Antilope)
  • Attendez-moi métro République, traduction de Tate un Zun de Hanan Ayalti. The episode aired on March 12, 2017, featuring Gilles Rozier, writer, editor and founder of the Antilope editions which translated yiddish novel written by Hanan Ayalti Attendez-moi métro République. The novel was written in 1943, in the midst of war in Urugay, and is for the first time translated into french.
  • Sholem Aleikhem. On the occasion of the French release of 'La Vie éternelle, 13 histoires courtes pour marquer le temps' published by Métropolis, Mémoires Vives welcomes the two translators of the book, Ariel Sion and Arthur Langerman, to discuss the Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem.

Jewish cultures

  • Les Juifs d’Algérie. Anne-Hélène Hoog, the curator of the exhibition in the mahJ dedicated to the Jews of Algeria, was invited in 2013 on the podcast for the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Évian Accords in 2013.  The exhibition highlights the diversity and complexity of experiences, political trajectories, and social paths of the members of this community
  • Juifs en pays arabes. How, in the span of 25 years, within a single generation, an entire world, an entire civilization spanning a millennia, could dissappear without leaving traces in school textbooks? With historian Georges Bensoussan, on the occasion of the publication of his book Juifs en pays arabes, le grand déracinement 1850-1975 by the Tallandier editions.


  • Mémoire du yiddish. A show aired on July 14, 2019 with Rachel Ertel and Stéphane Bou, on the occasion of the publication by Albin Michel of 'Mémoire du yiddish: Transmettre une langue assassinée."
  • Trésors du cinéma yiddish. A show aired on february 5, 2017 with Serge Bromberg, director of Lobster Films, who restored all the Yiddish films presented in this DVD box set.
  • Les judéo-espagnols: mémoire et avenir. A show of Mémoires Vives broadcasted on the occasion of the 2nd edition of the Judeo-Spanish University in 2013. With François Azar, Vice-President of the Aki Estamos association, and Janine Gerson, author of 'Bella, itinéraire mémoriel' published by Edilivre.
  • Les contes de Nahman de Bratslav. An episode of  Mémoires Vives aired on December 15, 2019 with Sandra Zemor, an artist, who publishes with Jean Baumgarten the CD-book Le Prince Dindon from Nahman de Bratslav