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Projets soutenus

Mémoire | Film

Les Chemins arides - Arnaud Khayadjanian

This is the story of a trip across Eastern Anatolia, a part of Turkey that Arnaud Khayadjanian has never been to, although his forefathers used to live there. We explore places the Armenians came through during their deportation in 1915. 

Available on DVD - 2015

Enseignement | Projet pédagogique

Histoire et mémoire de la Shoah dans l'académie de Caen

Throughout the school year, students and apprentices at five Normandy high schools participated in a Holocaust education program. In January, the Shoah Memorial organized a journey to Auschwitz-Birkenau, the keynote of this program launched by the Basse-Normandie region in partnership with the Caen Board of Education.

2014-2015 school year

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme | Projet pédagogique

CoExist : déconstruire les préjugés

Founded in 2004, CoExist is an educational project to fight racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination that relies on high school student mediators to deconstruct prejudice. UEJF and the Clubs Convergences founded the program, which UEJF, SOS Racisme and La Fabrique implement today.


Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Établissement médicalisé

Tikva - Un programme d'accompagnement pour les survivants de la Shoah

Le programme Tikva s'adresse aux survivants de la Shoah, anciens enfants cachés ou enfants de déportés résidents de la Maison de retraite et de gériatrie de la Fondation de Rothschild. Il leur permet de profiter au quotidien des services d’auxiliaires de vie sociale formées à la culture juive et à la prise en compte des traumatismes dus à la Shoah.


Mémoire | Film

La Cité muette, un film de Sabrina Van Tassel

In the suburb of Drancy lies an unadorned block of low-income housing. What do the residents know of the site's dark history? What would they say if they knew their home was haunted - by 80,000 ghosts? This documentary explores the building that in 1940 became the central internment camp for Jews during the Nazi occupation of France.


Related resources

Mémoire | Publication

Mémoires à venir, une enquête internationale sur la mémoire du XXe siècle

The Fondation for the Memory of the Shoah and the Fondation pour l’innovation politique wished to identify the memories of the major events of the 20th century from which our present century will be formed. Over 31 000 young people from 31 countries were interviewed.


Related resources

Mémoire | Film

Festins imaginaires, d'Anne Georget

Imaginary feasts explore the most amazing documents: notebooks filled with cooking recipes written by prisoners and deportees in Nazi concentration camps, in the Soviet Gulag and in Japanese war camps. Philosophers, historians, psychoanalysts, neurologists, etc. analyze and try to understand what those extraordinary 'imaginary feasts' written in the heart of the concentration system-meant. 


Related resources

Mémoire | Film

Jusqu'au dernier : la destruction des Juifs d'Europe. Une série documentaire de William Karel et Blanche Finger

This eight-part series examines the history of the Shoah from the rise of the Nazi power to the Final Solution and the discovery of the camps and its impact on the post-war world. With the participation of some 50 leading university scholars, it presents the latest findings in historical research while remaining accessible to the widest possible public.

Available on DVD (in French) - 2014

Related resources

Culture juive | Publication

Artistes juifs de l’école de Paris 1905-1939 - Nadine Nieszawer et Déborah Princ

Between 1905 and 1939, Paris attracted artists from all over the world. In this melting pot centered on Montparnasse, one group set itself apart: the Jewish artists who came from Russia, Poland, and across Central Europe. Although their styles varied, a common fate united them: they had fled the anti-Semitic persecutions in their home countries.

Somogy éditions - 2015

Enseignement | Projet pédagogique

Un an de travail sur l'histoire de la Résistance et de la Shoah au lycée Bergson d'Angers

Since 1995, second-to-last year students at the Lycée Henri-Bergson in Angers have participated in a year-long educational project on the Holocaust and the Resistance. This year’s theme was "Historical and Memorial Sites of the Resistance, the Holocaust and the Gypsy Genocide, from Anjou to Krakow". In  2014, they followed in the deportees’ footsteps to Poland.

2013-2014 school year