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Projets soutenus

Recherche | Colloque

Se souvenir de l'autre côté du rideau de fer

Examining communal, individuals and state efforts, from the Soviet Union to the US, from Hungary to France, this conference will provide opportunities to re-evaluate the commonalities, differences and entanglements between Eastern and Western memory of the Holocaust.

Conference - September 2-4, 2018 - University of York

Mémoire | Film

Ma vie dans l’Allemagne d’Hitler - Jérôme Prieur

In the summer of 1939, a major survey was launched by three Harvard professors among the Germans who had gone into exile after Hitler came to power. This film makes us hear the voices of those women and men who managed to flee the Nazi country in time.

Available in DVD - 2019

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Recherche | Colloque

The Future of Holocaust Research

Leading international Holocaust researchers will address the state of Holocaust research and its future on several panels over the course of this 2-day conference.

Conference - 25-26 April, 2018 - New York

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Recherche | Colloque

The Auschwitz Sonderkommando, their Testimony and their Legacy

The experience and history of the Sonderkommando have been central to a number of crucial topics in post-war debates about the Shoah. Their proximity to the extermination process conferred a singular status to their testimonies. The conference considers this essential legacy.

Conference : April 2018, Berlin - Video online

Culture juive |

Université d’été de langue et de littérature yiddish 2018

Since 1997, the Paris Yiddish Centre - Medem Library has organised an international summer program every third year, under the pedagogical direction of Yitskhok Niborski.

From July 23rd to August 10th, 2018 - Paris Yiddish Centre

Recherche | Colloque

From Trauma to Protection: the twentieth century as the children's century

Paying attention to scholarship on the history of the family, on state and NGO aid provision, and on the perspectives of children themselves, the conference focuses on constructions and understandings of trauma as a medicalised category.

Conference - 19-20 April 2018 - University of Warwick, Coventry

Recherche | Publication

Occupation – Annihilation – Forced Labour

The present anthology is the result of the 20th  Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Concentration Camps that took place in Minsk, Belarus in April 2015. It assembles research papers of up-and-coming scholars from Western and Eastern Europe who, from different perspectives, deal with problems of political, economic and ideological processes and dynamics in the context of the German policy of occupation, annihilation and forced labour.

Metropol Verlag - 2017

Recherche | Publication

Female Affairs: Female Concentration Camp Guards in Ravensbrück and Neubrandenburg - Johannes Schwartz

The female guards in Nazi concentration camps occupied a key position in the camp chain of command between male SS leaders and female prisoner-functionaries. These women were responsible for a considerable part of the violence routinely perpetrated against female camp inmates.

Hamburger Edition - 2018

Culture juive | CD

Musique française avant et après la Grande Guerre - Fernand Halphen, Maurice Ravel

The First World War marked a deep turmoil, from which the musical creation wasn’t forgotten. Performed by the Orchestra of the Campus of Orsay, Halphen’s Symphony in C minor and Ravel’s piano Concerto for the Left Hand allows us to better appreciate the stylistic diversity of the French musical production at that time.

2017 - European Institute of Jewish Music

Culture juive | CD

Le Sablier du temps - Un voyage musical à travers l’âme juive

This disc gathers works written in the first half of the 20th century by composers in search of a Jewish musical identity. Some of them, such as Gideon Klein, were tragically killed during the Shoah. Others, such as Mieczyslaw Weinberg or Serge Kaufmann, perpetuate their memory. 

2017 - European Institute of Jewish Music