Jewish culture | Exhibition
Exposition "Chana Orloff, sculpter l'époque" - musée Zadkine
Jusqu'au dimanche 31 mars 2024 au musée Zadkine, Paris
From the very start, the Foundation has been committed to transmitting and making the best possible use of the thousand-year-old legacy of Judaism — entire segments of which were annihilated during the Shoah. The Foundation supports all aspects of Judaism in its diversity, with a special emphasis on education, to ensure the transmission of Jewish culture from generation to generation. It is especially attuned to initiatives that promote Yiddish and Judeo-Spanish cultures and languages and encourage access to major Jewish texts.
All projects submitted to the Foundation are evaluated independently, then examined by six thematic committees (History of Anti-Semitism and the Shoah, Memory and Transmission, Shoah Education, Jewish Culture, Solidarity, and Combating anti-Semitism and Support for Intercultural Dialogue) made up of volunteer experts.
Proposing a project in Jewish Culture : August 25th, 2025