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Occupation – Annihilation – Forced Labour
The present anthology is the result of the 20th Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Concentration Camps that took place in Minsk, Belarus in April 2015. It assembles research papers of up-and-coming scholars from Western and Eastern Europe who, from different perspectives, deal with problems of political, economic and ideological processes and dynamics in the context of the German policy of occupation, annihilation and forced labour.
The present anthology is the result of the 20th Workshop on the History and Memory of National Socialist Concentration Camps that took place in Minsk, Belarus in April 2015. It assembles research papers of up-and-coming scholars from Western and Eastern Europe who, from different perspectives, deal with problems of political, economic and ideological processes and dynamics in the context of the German policy of occupation, annihilation and forced labour.
Furthermore, some essays discuss the partly confl icting and politically delicate debate on and the struggle for the commemoration of World War II and National Socialism.
The workshop and the publication have been funded by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah.
Edited by Frédéric Bonnesoeur, Philipp Dinkelaker, Sarah Kleinmann, Jens Kolata and Anja Reuss
Translated by Andreas Förster and Lindsay Marcks