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Projets soutenus

Aide aux survivants |

Cafés des Psaumes et Graines de Psaumes, des lieux de culture et de convivialité

The Café des Psaumes is a social café, rue des Rosiers in Paris, offering cultural activities aiming to breathe new life into the neighborhood’s "Jewish soul". The café’s priority is seniors, Shoah survivors and immigrants from North Africa, but is open to all, fostering intergenerational bonds.

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Distribution de colis de nourriture par le Jaffa Institute

The Jaffa Institute helps needy Israelis by federating a network of 7,000 people. With support from the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, it has set up a food aid program specifically for Holocaust survivors living below the poverty line in Tel Aviv’s southern district.

Recherche | En ligne

Holocaust Oral History Collection - 900 témoignages en ligne

The 900 Holocaust audio interviews and transcripts have been archived at the Oral History Division of the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. They include interviews with child survivors of the Holocaust, children of Nazis and observers of Nazi persecution, conducted in the early 1960s. 

Available online

Recherche | Colloque

Journées d'étude - L’histoire de la Shoah par le document

The editing and publishing of “materials” and “documents” take up an important place in the first historiographical works on the Shoah. But the concrete historiographical operation remains hardly examined. This workshop is organized by the Research Group “Histoire & Historiography of the Shoah” (Center for Historical Research, EHESS-CNRS, Paris).

October 20-21st, 2015 - EHESS, Paris

Recherche | Colloque

L’antisémitisme au XIXe siècle : perspectives internationales

To understand both current and National Socialist varieties of anti-Semitism, it is necessary to understand the emergence of new forms of anti-Judaism in the nineteenth century. An investigation of the phenomenon in comparative and transnational perspective, which has been only rarely attempted, promises to provide new insights.

October 21-23, 2015 - Paris

Related resources

Mémoire | Film

Le Maestro. À la recherche de la musique des camps. Un film d'Alexandre Valenti

At Barletta, Italy, a quiet but determined hero has brought to life an entire history of forgotten music. For over 20 years, Francesco Lotoro, a professional pianist, has scoured Europe to discover and record music composed clandestinely in World War II.


Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Activités estivales

Séjours de vacances pour les survivants de la Shoah dépendants

Every year since 2011, “Dessine-Moi Mon Répit” organizes trips for dependant seniors. They have two goals: to let them enjoy a vacation and give their caregivers a break.

Recherche | Colloque

L’antisémitisme contemporain en France - série de séminaires

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), USA, and the Groupe Sociétés, Religions, Laïcités (GSRL)/CNRS-EPHE, Paris (France) is organizing a series of seminars in 2015/2016 on contemporary antisemitism. This seminar series aims to explore this subject matter in a comprehensive, interdisciplinary framework from an array of approaches and perspectives as well as regional contexts.


Culture juive | Formation

L'Université populaire du Judaïsme

Created in 2013 by Shmuel Trigano, the Université Populaire du Judaïsme offers a series of courses in the fundamental disciplines of Jewish studies. Combining intellectual rigor while aiming to remain accessible to the largest number of people, these seminars are open to everyone who would like to discover or pursue their knowledge of Judaism.

Culture juive | Film

Le Ghetto de Venise, une histoire des Juifs de Venise. Un film d’Emanuela Giordano

The movie reconstructs the history of the oldest ghetto of Europe, thanks to the memories and to the testimonies of witnesses, custodians of the memory and of the complex evolution of the Jewish community in Venice. 


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