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Projets soutenus

Aide aux survivants |

Service Passerelles

Passerelles is a national call center providing Holocaust survivors with a friendly ear, support and guidance. It is the main gateway to the organizations, community groups and public bodies most likely to meet their needs.

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Aides individuelles

Service social du Centre de santé Elio Habib

This platform operates like a health care centre. Its social services department offers medical and social support for people suffering from economic difficulties, chronic pathologies, disabilities and Holocaust trauma.

Aide aux survivants |

AMéA - Une plateforme d’aide aux personnes âgées à Marseille

The AMéA platform helps and supports the Jewish community’s neediest members an assists Holocaust survivors in filing applications for compensation and for aid allowing them to continue living at home.

Aide aux survivants | Aides individuelles

Une mutuelle pour les survivants de la Shoah

The Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah funds a mutual health insurance program managed by the Casip-Cojasor social services department for Holocaust survivors who are on low incomes or in temporary financial straits.

Enseignement | Projet pédagogique

Semaine de l’Histoire et de la Mémoire à Cluny

On February 15, 1944, Marie-Louise Zimberlin, a teacher at the Lycée “La Prat’s” in Cluny, was arrested in the middle of class for her Resistance activities. On February 27, the Polish Jewish Oferman-Rotbart was arrested in Cluny. A neighbor saved the youngest child, Claudine. Forty students at the Lycée La Prat’s focused on these emblematic destinies as part of an educational project for History and Memory and Week in Cluny.

February-March 2016 – Cluny (71)

Related resources

Mémoire | Publication

Revue Études tsiganes - Des territoires d'extermination à l'Est de l'Europe (1941-1944)

The organization Yahad-In Unum and the Roma association Roma Dignity undertook an investigative work with the Roma who lived through the tragedy of the genocide between 1941 and 1944 in Estern Europe. The records published here offer a historical and legal perspective of the politic led by the Nazis against the Roma.

N° 56-57 - 2016

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Prévenir la cécité chez les survivants de la Shoah

Since 2006, the Liriot organization’s Mobile Eye Clinic has traveled around Israel offering disadvantaged people free vision screenings. In 2016, the focus is on Holocaust survivors: 4,000 of them will have had a complete checkup.

Mémoire | Exposition

Après la Shoah. Rescapés, réfugiés, survivants (1944-1947)

After the catastrophe, the Liberation of Europe and the end of the Second World War raised feelings of tremendous joy, hope and relief. But returning to normal life hardly seemed possible for the European Jews who survived the Nazis’ attempt to totally destroy them, abetted by their local accomplices. 

From Wednesday January 27 to Sunday November 20, 2016 - Mémorial de la Shoah, Paris

Related resources

Enseignement | Projet pédagogique

Le Cabaret Interdit, aborder l'enseignement de la Shoah par la musique

The Orchestre Symphonique de Bretagne and the "Classe d’O" project proposed using music to address the Holocaust in primary schools. Pupils in Pleudihen-sur-Rance (Brittany) participated in the production of Le Cabaret Interdit, a show that paid homage to composers who fell victim to Nazism.

2015-2016 school year - Pleudihen-sur-Rance (22)

Aide aux survivants | A l'étranger

Aide aux survivants de la Shoah à Athènes

In Greece, the Jewish community, like rest of the population, has suffered the painful consequences of the economic crisis. Holocaust survivors are especially hard hit by the situation: the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah has decided to substantially increase the aid it sends them.