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Projets soutenus

Culture juive |

Le Centre culturel Jules Isaac à Clermont-Ferrand

Since 2013, the former synagogue of Clermont-Ferrand has become a place dedicated to the history of the Righteous among the Nations of Auvergne and more generally to the history of Judaism in Auvergne. It organizes exhibitions, offers educational workshops and hosts conferences, debates and inter-religious meetings.

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Mémoire | Film

Rêve au Tuschinski, un film de Jérôme Diamant-Berger

The Tuschinski Theater of Amsterdam was born from a foolish dream; the one of Abraham Icek Tuschinski who left his shtetl from Poland and settled in Rotterdam where he decided to built a cathedral-like cinema hall. But the Nazis will make Tuschinski’s dream turn into a nightmare.


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Mémoire | Film

Choeurs en exil, un film de Nathalie Rossetti et Turi Finocchiaro

Aram and Virginia, an Armenian couple from the diaspora, transmit an ancestral tradition of chant which is in danger of disappearing to a troupe of European actors. They take the company on a trip to Anatolia where the Armenian civilization has been destroyed. 

Available on DVD - 2017

Related resources

Mémoire | En ligne

Si je reviens un jour. Les lettres retrouvées de Louise Pikovsky

In 2010, a collection of wartime letters and photographs was discovered in an old cupboard at a high school in Paris. Forgotten for years, the letters were written by a former pupil, Louise Pikovsky, to her beloved school teacher during World War Two. 

Web documentary available on France 24 website

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | A l'étranger

Lettonie : une couverture santé étendue pour les survivants de la Shoah

The Jewish community in Riga offers health coverage to Shoah survivors in Latvia. In a country where medical care can be very expensive, this insurance allows the poorest people to be properly covered.


Aide aux survivants | Israël

Des paniers de Pourim pour les survivants de la Shoah

On the occasion of Purim Day, 38 students from the volunteer program run by the Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel prepared 100 food baskets. They delivered them personally to survivors of the Shoah.

Friday 10 March 2017

Recherche | Colloque

La Shoah en Ukraine. Nouvelles perspectives sur les malheurs du XXe siècle

This symposium is organised by Pantheon-Assas University and Euroforum (European Forum for Ukraine). The papers will focus on understanding the facts of the German occupation (1941-1944)

9-11 March 2017, Paris

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme | Projet pédagogique

Hors limites/Out of Limits : l'art comme outil de dialogue interculturel

The association Mémoires de l'avenir uses art as a universal toot to foster intercultural dialogue. Each year, its actions are oriented around a particular theme. In 2016-2017, the aim was to think about limits and the overcoming of these.


Mémoire | Film

Sauvés par des Justes - Christian Frey et Susanne Wittek

The German invasion in 1940 is the beginning of a struggle for life for the Jews in France. Still, 75% of them survive the holocaust. This documentary recounts the circumstances of their rescue – and the civil resistance of numerous “Silent Saviours” who made this possible.


Mémoire | Film

Les camps de l'horreur nazie, de François Pomès

Upon rising to power in Germany in 1933, Adolf Hitler set up concentration camps to imprison opponents to his regime. In less than ten years, these already lethal camps gave way to death camps, the scenes of inhumanity and genocide unparalleled in human history.