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Projets soutenus

Aide aux survivants | Activités estivales

Bel Été - Des activités estivales pour les survivants de la Shoah en région parisienne

Thos program offers activities and get-togethers for Holocaust survivors in the Paris region in August. The goals are to decrease their isolation during the summer vacation period and foster friendships in a convivial setting.

Related resources

Enseignement | Film

Un DVD-Rom pédagogique consacré aux camps d'internement du Midi de la France

This material brings together numerous resources for teachers and students alike. The DVD-Rom, as a teaching tool, is suitable for several school age groups. The box set contains three DVDs including documentaries, sequenced witness accounts, as well as a digital booklet.


Aide aux survivants | Israël

Une aide médico-sociale pour les anciens enfants cachés en France

Aloumim is an Israeli organization grouping together children hidden in France during the Holocaust and the volunteers who work with them. It focuses on preserving memory and provides its neediest members with medical and social assistance.

Aide aux survivants | Maintien à domicile

Casip-Cojasor - Des aides au maintien à domicile pour les survivants de la Shoah

The Casip-Cojasor Foundation reviews requests from increasingly dependent Holocaust survivors to receive care or various forms of aid at home. This financial assistance comes from a specific fund awarded by the Claims Conference and the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah.

Related resources

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme |

Favoriser le dialogue entre Juifs et Musulmans

For 10 years, Amitié judéo-musulmane de France has been traveling around France to foster dialogue and dispel racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim stereotypes. The organization recruits and trains young people, who are tasked with the mission of convincing their counterparts in "sensitive" areas that Jews and Muslims have more in common than they think.

Related resources

Recherche | Publication

À l'intérieur d'un camp de travail nazi, Récits des survivants : mémoire et histoire - Christopher R. Browning

En 1972, la cour de justice de Hambourg acquitte Walter Becker, le lavant de l’accusation de crimes de guerre commis à l'encontre de la population juive du ghetto de Wierzbnik alors qu'il était chef de la police criminelle. Christopher R. Browning se penche alors sur les récits des survivants et les interrogatoires réalisés en vue du procès. Il s’attache à un objet historique relativement peu étudié pour lui-même faute de documentation, le camp-usine de travail forcé.

Norton & Company - 2010

Recherche | Publication

Images d'un pillage, Album de la spoliation des Juifs à Paris (1940-1944) - Sarah Gensburger

The discovery of more than 1,500 prized paintings and drawings in a private Munich residence, as well as a recent movie about Allied attempts to recover European works of art, have brought Nazi plundering back into the headlines, but the thievery was far from being limited to works of art. From 1942 onwards, ordinary Parisian Jews - mostly poor families and recent immigrants from Eastern Europe - were robbed, not of sculptures or paintings, but of toys, saucepans, furniture, and sheets.

Mémoire | Film

1943, le temps d’un répit - un film d’André Waksman

In the summer of 1943, thousands of Jewish refugees in Italian-occupied southern France enjoyed a rare respite from persecution, protected by an unusual force: the occupying Italian Army, who temporarily shielded local and foreign Jews despite pressure from the Germans and the French Vichy administration.

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme |

OLD L'Institut Memri : une veille médiatique sur l'antisémitisme et le négationnisme

The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region’s media. MEMRI bridges the language gap between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu-Pashtu media as well as original analysis of political, ideological, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.

Aide aux survivants | Activités culturelles

La Maison des Seniors et de la Culture du Casip-Cojasor

The Casip-Cojasor Foundation has two venues that host and develop activities for seniors, especially Holocaust survivors. The Senior and Culture Center in Paris offers lectures, workshops, meetings, shows and cultural activities.