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Projets soutenus

Recherche | Publication

The Last Ghetto. An Everyday History of Theresienstadt - Anna Hájková

Anna Hájková, a former fellow of the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, has published in an American edition the results of her research on the social history of the Thersienstadt camp between 1941 and 1945.

Oxford University Press - 2021

Lutte contre l'antisémitisme | Projet pédagogique

AJMF - Lutter contre les préjugés, favoriser le respect et l'amitié

For 10 years, Amitié judéo-musulmane de France has been traveling around France to foster dialogue and dispel racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim stereotypes. The organization recruits and trains young people, who are tasked with the mission of convincing their counterparts in "sensitive" areas that Jews and Muslims have more in common than they think.

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Recherche | Publication

Last Train to Auschwitz - Sarah Federman

In the immediate post-war period, the French National Railways (SNCF) was celebrated for its acts of heroism. However, recent debates have revealed the ways the SNCF was actively complicit in the deportation of 75,000 people. Sarah Federman delves into the interconnected roles—perpetrator, victim, and hero—the company took on during the Shoah.

University of Winsconsin Press - 2021

Enseignement | Projet pédagogique

48 lycéens d'Angers sur les traces de la jeune Régina Zwetschkenbaum

Since 1995, second-to-last year students at the Lycée Henri-Bergson in Angers have participated in a year-long educational project on the Holocaust and the Resistance. This year’s theme was "Historical and Memorial Sites of the Resistance, the Holocaust and the Gypsy Genocide, from Anjou to Krakow". In  2014, they followed in the deportees’ footsteps to Poland.

2013-2014 school year

Aide aux survivants | A l'étranger

Programme de rénovation de logements en Ukraine

In Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia, a housing repair and renovation programme, initiated and supported by the British Jewish community, provides the most vulnerable members of local Jewish communities with a dignified and healthy home.



Mémoire | Publication

De Nuremberg à Izieu, juger le crime contre l’humanité - Dir. Dominique Vidaud

On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Barbie trial, the Maison d'Izieu organized in May 2017 a day of meetings and exchanges with five major players in the hearings and seven eminent European historians, lawyers and political representatives. This book presents a transcription of these reflections.

Fage éditions - 2018

Culture juive | Publication

Les Juifs et la modernité - Perrine Simon-Nahum

As the heirs of a culture where sacred and profane intertwine, Jews were the first to embark on the adventure of the human sciences that marked the 19th century. This encounter between Judaism and modernity sheds new light on French political and intellectual history.

Éditions Albin Michel - 2018

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Lutte contre l'antisémitisme | Film

Goulag(s) - Michaël Prazan

Immersed in one of the most appalling prison systems of the 20th century, this documentary explores the traces of the Moscow Gulag on the borders of Eastern Siberia. It presents this story by following Assia Kovrigina in the footsteps of her grandfather, a Jewish intellectual imprisoned by the Soviet regime.


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Culture juive |

Une statue en hommage au capitaine Dreyfus à Tel Aviv

Alfred Dreyfus, a prominent figure in the history of France, also had a great impact on the Zionist movement and the founding of the State of Israel. To pay tribute to him, a statue in honour of Captain Dreyfus was placed in front of 9 Ahad Ha'am Street in Tel Aviv.

Inauguration : Tuesday 27 November 2018

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Recherche | Publication

La survie des Juifs en France, 1940-1944 - Jacques Semelin

How and why did 75% of Jews escape death in France under the Occupation, despite the Nazi extermination plan and the collaboration of the Vichy regime? Jacques Semelin takes a fresh look at the tactics of daily life that allowed the persecuted to escape roundups and deportations.

Hurst, London & Oxford University Press, New York - 2018

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