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Projets soutenus

Mémoire | Film

Sauver Auschwitz ? Un film de Jonathan Hayoun

For 70 years, the site of Auschwitz, which has become the dreadful incarnation of the Shoah, is a theater of diversions and confrontations, plundering, attempts to exploit and rewrite its history. Beyond the historical facts, this film revisits numerous questions: what to do with the Auschwitz site? What purpose should it serve?


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Recherche | Colloque

Histoire des femmes juives en France pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et dans le long après-guerre

The Foundation and the Institut Emilie du Châtelet are willing to promote research on the topics, offering a doctoral and a post-doc stipend to researchers from various disciplines. This study day will present the huge available resources and let issues and callings come up. French will be the language of the meeting.

Monday January 23, 2017 - Paris

Mémoire | Film

La Passeuse des Aubrais - Michaël Prazan

Documentary filmmaker Michaël Prazan’s captivating and personal detective story uncovers the truth behind his father’s childhood escape from Nazi-occupied France, which was made possible by a female smuggler with mysterious motivations.

Available on DVD and VoD - 2017

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Des étudiants boursiers pour lutter contre l’isolement des survivants de la Shoah

The Foundation For The Benefit Of Holocaust Victims In Israel grants a scholarship of NIS 5,000 to students who volunteer 120 hours during the academic year. Each student visits two Holocaust survivors in their homes and helps them cope with their loneliness.

2016 / 2017

Enseignement | Colloque

Séminaire - Enseigner l’histoire des génocides et des violences de masse : un point d’entrée pour l’éducation à la paix

UNESCO partners with the National Commission of Senegal to UNESCO to organize a training seminar for high-level civil servants of ministries of education of Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia, Mali, Niger and Senegal. A public conference will take place before the seminar.

23-26 Nov. 2016 - Dakar, Senegal

Recherche | Conférence

Conference - After Genocide: Gendered Trauma, Transmission and Reinvention

Aide aux survivants | Activités estivales

Bel Été à Marseille

Since 2015, the Jewish Social Action Committee of Marseille’s AMéA platform has offered seniors a summertime support and leisure activity program. Most of the outings involve walking tours of Marseille and the surrounding area.

Related resources

Aide aux survivants | Israël

Amcha, des soins psychologiques au Centre de Netanya et à domicile

Founded in 1987, Amcha is the biggest Israeli organization offering survivors and their families psychological and social support and providing psychological follow-up at home.

Mémoire | Film

Hélène Berr, une jeune fille dans Paris occupé. Un film de Jérôme Prieur

April 1942, Hélène Berr, a 21-year-old student and a brilliant violonist, begins keeping a journal. She tells with great accuracy about the noose tightening: having to wear the yellow star, the Vel d’Hiv roundup, the daily consequences of the anti-Jewish law passed by the Vichy Government.

Available on DVD - 2013

Related resources

Enseignement | Projet pédagogique

Un projet éducatif européen autour de l’histoire du convoi 77

The European project Convoi 77 intends to piece together the personal life story of each of the 1321 deportees of the last large convoy that left from Drancy to Auschwitz on July 31, 1944, by sending students from the 37 countries the deportees were from on their traces.

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